4th Sqdn 7th Cav Desert Storm.
4th Sqdn 7th Cav POW/MIA Page

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This is the POW/MIA that's been adopted by the 4th Sqdn 7th Cav

Arthur James Lord

Rank: O3/U.S. Army

Unit: 478th Aviation Co. (Hvy Helicopter), 11th Aviation
Grp, 1st Cav Div

DOB: 1-6-41 (Athens, Ga)

HOR: Savannah, Ga

DOL: 4-19-68

COL: S. Vietnam

Loss Coor: 162127N 1070642E (YD 2550095)

Status: MIA

Catagory: 4

Aircraft: CH54

Refno: 1132

Cpt Lord's CH54 and two other choppers (Bell UH1's) were struck by enemy fire and crashed while on a supply run to recently resecured LZ Tiger in The A Shau Valley in Quang Tri Province.

Cpt Lord's CH54 was bringing in a dozer. No thorough search was immediately possible due to enemy situation. A refugg later reported that he had found the wreckage of two U.S. helos, one w/3 sets of skeletal remains in Quang Tri Province. The U.S. Army believes this could correlate with any of the three helos lost on 4-19-68. No firm evidence has been secured that would reveal the fate of the nine missing service members.

"They fought for our freedom, let's fight for theirs"